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National Super Hero Day Activities and Lessons with PJ Masks!

Writer's picture: Carolina AndesCarolina Andes

I never thought I’d be sharing a post about “Homeschooling Activities” - but here I am, in the midst of distant learning and I am being stretched in ways I never planned to be! So here I am, the mom who said she would NEVER homeschool, making lesson plans and getting creative - because if I don’t have a plan, our day gets crazy! Since today is National Superhero Day, I thought I’d incorporate fun & easy lesson plans for my younger kids. Now, when most people give lesson plans for “distant learning”, they don’t realize that they’re designing lesson plans for ONE child. ONE child, at one age. My three younger kids are 6, 4, and 2 - so that adds an extra challenge! I'm all about EASY activities that don't feel stressful for us parents to execute! So here’s what we’ll be doing - it’s all easy, and all something you can do today for a quick activity! I’ve partnered with PJ Masks to share these fun & easy ways to engage with your little superheroes!

1. Find something superhero related that ALL your kids can relate to! For us, that’s PJ Masks! All of my kids LOVE PJ Masks! It’s a show that I don’t mind, either, because the heroes encourage positive behavior. Some of my kids get really physical and aggressive with other shows, so I love that this show is age appropriate and still exciting for the kids! These heroes have “powers” that are easy for all three of my kids to understand! This will help them relate to what other “everyday superheroes” do in our community! 2. TV time while you print worksheets!

Being realistic here - an easy way to get things done is with some screen time! So the first part of our “lesson” is easy - watch a favorite episode of PJ Masks (we use Disney+!)! The kids get TV time, and I get 22 minutes to reheat my coffee and get everything ready! I told you this would all be easy - I’m not about reinventing the wheel! There are some awesome and talented mamas out there who have figured this homeschooling thing out, so I’m relying on their support! For each of the activities below, I've linked the FREE DOWNLOADABLE worksheets for you!

3. Talk about Superheroes!

After the episode is over, we’ll talk about the 3 PJ Masks and color the free coloring sheet for fun. You can use THESE printable worksheets, and you can even make accessories if you don’t already have masks and wristbands for the kids! This first step is important, because it helps the kids understand "every day superheroes" in a context that makes sense to them and something they already know and love!

We’ll talk about what each of these superheroes are like: Here come Catboy (super fast and agile), Gekko (super strong and can scale walls!), and Owlette (with the ability to fly and see great distances). Together these three can tackle any situation! PJ Masks they're on their way - into the night to save the day!

4. Every Day Superheroes Activities Then we’ll look at a few of THESE free printable cards - I don’t print them all, just the ones that my kids will relate to! With current events for 2020, we’re going to specifically talk about nurses, doctors, grocery workers, firefighters, paramedics, and teachers! We’ll talk about which of the PJ Masks we think each of the “Everyday Heroes” is most like! Another activity is asking you child who THEY would be if they were a superhero, and what their powers would be. Would they have super cat speed, like Catboy? Or maybe they’d have super Gekko muscles! Depending on their interest, you can fill out THIS free printable activity bag! For the kiddos who don’t like to sit as long, you can try THESE movement based games! We’ll be doing the “Super Hero Hop”! 5. Engage their imagination and do some role play! Most importantly, let them use their imagination and BE heroes! Put their masks on jump around and let them “save the day”! You can ask them questions like: “Who would you save?” “What would you save them from?” “What are your super powers?” And if you get tired of the same few seasons of PJ Masks… look out for a whole new season on May 15! That’s 26 new episodes to give you a break during this crazy season!!


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